Henrietta Township


General Office Hours

Monday Thru Thursday-Closed Fridays

9:00am – 5:00pm

Treasurer’s Office

Assessor’s Office

Township FAX

Permit Applications

Permits can be emailed to: deptclerk@henriettatownshipmi.gov

or mailed to: Henrietta Township 11732 Bunkerhill Rd. Pleasant Lake, MI 49272

Building Permit
Electrical Permit
Mechanical Permit
Plumbing Permit
Address Application
Zoning Map

Inspections Information

Inspectors have 72 hours to answer an inspection request.

Fee Schedule Relating to Land Use and Building Permits:

Rezoning $750.00 / $550.00 Escrow
Conditional Use Permit (non cell tower) $925.00 / $550.00 Escrow
Conditional Use Permit (cell tower) $925.00 / $1000.00 Escrow
Site Plan Review at Planning Commission (non plat) $330.00 / $350.00 Escrow
If not part of another permit
Site Plan Review at Planning Commission(plat) $330.00 / $750.00 Escrow
If not part of another permit
Zoning Board of Review Variance Hearing $250.00 per hearing
All other hearings $250.00
Site Plan Review and Zoning Compliance $85.00
Land Division $60.00 application fee + 25.00 for each parcel
Road Variance $200.00
Electrical Inspection $85.00 per inspection
Mechanical Inspection $85.00 per inspection
Plumbing Inspection $85.00 per inspection

Building permit fees are based on square footage and will be determined once the permit is approved.

Building Inspector – Rohn Tripp (517) 206-7043

Electrical Inspector – Ken Swift (517) 569-3886

Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector – Tim Basore (517) 623-6257

Hearing Officer – Michael Young