Henrietta Township




Helpful Community Links

  • The Stockbridge Area Senior Center is for seniors in the surrounding area, not just Stockbridge.  We would like to encourage you to check out all they have to offer.  Find out more here: stockbridgeareaseniors.org
  • Central Michigan 2-1-1 connects people in need to health and human service resources in the community. Through an easy to remember number, available 24/7, 365 days within 10 counties in Central Michigan; Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, and Shiawassee Counties. Specialists provide information, referrals, navigation, and advocacy when people are looking for help or to give help in the communities. 2-1-1 maintains an up-to-date, comprehensive database of resources and programs available and reports trending needs and gaps identified in our community: http://www.centralmichigan211.org